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《 致 grow up 24岁》(1 / 2)

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好书推荐: 重生之卿卿我我 百里秋枫,只为一人 网购天庭 对不起忘记我吧 末世之神奇空间 女主,化为流星吧! 厉君御阮萌萌 荆鸟 深层心理学 天下无敌初阶论

笔趣阁 最快更新长生烬 !

Dear myself :

When you write this letter, prove that you have grown up. You want to make a complete break with your past 。

1993年10月21日凌晨, You were born in this world 。

Sucking the fresh air, singing the carefree song, you are lively, lovely, intelligent, should have a happy childhood. Alas, all is buried in the grim fire.

As time goes by, you grow up.

In fact, if it is possible, how much I would like to stay forever in the eternal years.




As long as you are alive, every day you have to learn to face it.



The youth of other people is joyful, only your youth years, is a piece of sarcasm and ridicule!

You have no company, you are a lone Wolf in the dark; You're not happy, you're being abandoned by god. No matter how hard you try, you always feel bad luck!



You have sworn that you will never yield to fate in this life!

As long as there is a bone to support you, you will stand up and stand between heaven and earth.

At that time you, unyielding and confident!

At that time you, not afraid of the wind and rain, not afraid of the thunder!

At that time you, like mad, do not bend heaven and earth, only to change lives!





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